Wednesday, September 28, 2011

All Walled In

When I left the house this morning it was all studs and insulation. Today when I came home all the drywall had been installed. What a change! It's amazing to see everything really take shape.

New den wall.

 Looking into the half bath from the den.
Looking into the kitchen from the living room.

Kitchen from the back door.

Wrigley cheesin' in front of the closet and dining room doorways.

Bathroom from the hallway.

New bathroom window, installed just this morning.

Bathroom vanity wall.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Drywall Begins

Today I was greeted by a large truck during lunch. Two guys brought in the longest strips of drywall I've ever seen. I walked upstairs to see our contractor taking measurements in the bathroom. He said that he's going to speed up bathroom production while the kitchen cabinets are made, so we may have a finished bathroom before a finished kitchen. This is good news for everyone in the house - walking two flights of stairs at 2:00 in the morning is just plain dangerous.

Back to the drywall. What's great about using a contractor is not having to worry about quantities of building materials required to complete the project. You deal with one guy, and he takes care of quantities, and deals with anyone taking care of tasks on the job site. By the end of the week we should have all of the drywall hung, taped and sanded to a smooth finish.

While this finish won't exactly match the rest of the house, we feel like the texture of the new walls will be a great look. 

In other news, we finally received a wall mount sink that will work great in our half bath. The third time was the charm on this one - right depth and right space. Can't wait to see this baby go up - she's going to be cute.

Finally, for work tomorrow I get to build a brick patio for a women's shelter here in Kansas City. A coworker saw our garden on the blog and "volunteered" me to lead this charge. Becca was gracious enough to join me this evening to get all the materials set up for the job site. As you can see, she laid out a beautiful flagstone path that will also be installed tomorrow. 

Can't wait to see walls begin to go up tomorrow. And that's not all. Hardwood floors come in next week. The show must go on!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Big Changes and a (Good) Surprise

Happy Monday everyone. The crew put in a full day today to make sure that everything's ready for sheetrock installation to begin tomorrow, and it really shows. Before I walked in the front door today I walked around the side of the house to this beautiful sight.

The first of our two new Pella windows has been installed, and we couldn't be happier with how it looks. The muntins you see in the top half will be stained dark when kitchen trim is stained, so it's not totally complete but it's close. The bathroom one will be installed very soon as well.

And that's not all. Our island has finally arrived! We ordered it six weeks ago and shipping was repeatedly delayed, but I picked it up Saturday, and Chris and I promptly put it in the middle of our gutted kitchen and had a celebratory beer on its walnut top. We absolutely love it, and seeing something finished in our very unfinished kitchen was pretty surreal.

The walnut grain on top is beautiful, and will provide a very practical surface that we can use and abuse. This was something we decided was important when we opted for marble counters rather than granite. They are slightly softer and less durable (but oh-so-beautiful and perfect for a classic kitchen look) so the island should make up for any loss in fuctionality. 

I picked up these cute little saddle stools to go with it. They're very comfy and fit nicely under the petite island. The whole setup is currently in our dining room, which is actually nice since we've cleared out the table and chairs.

The crew also got everything all insulated today to get us ready for drywall. The walls were previously empty between the studs, so we hope insulating these two rooms will help our house be a bit less drafty and a lot more efficient. It's strange how filling in the spaces between the studs creates a slightly wall-like effect. Our interior designer friend warned us that when the drywall goes up the room will suddenly feel a lot smaller, and I can see how that would be the case. 

And now for the surprise. Chris was talking to the contractor this morning who informed us that included in the remodel is installation of a ventilation system, which goes into the basement and vents out the wall. To be honest I'm not entirely sure what it does, other than he told us it will make our dehumidifier, which runs constantly in our basement unnecessary. I like the sound of that!

And I like a good surprise - we've had a couple of plumbing snafus during the project - all of which have been fixed, but they're still stressful as they happen. The first was a leak in our basement ceiling last week, which was apparently the result of a poorly connected pipe (big shock there, right?) that had been shifted when the kitchen was replumbed. The plumber fixed it promptly the next day. Then this weekend I ran the washer and our basement sink backed up. We tried to snake out the line ourselves but couldn't. He fixed it today, and I haven't had a chance to talk to him to get the recap. All in all though, he's our hero and has taken everything in great stride, and we know that moving forward our once condemable plumbing is in great shape.

Chris has repeatedly expressed his urge to kiss the plumber. I haven't warned him yet.

And finally, for all of you who are dying of "did the valve arrive" suspense, rest assured we have two valves, installed and ready for faucet trim. Yay for UPS!

That's it for today. Check in tomorrow to see walls start to go up. Crazy!

Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm pretty sure we have the world's best electrician. He and a helper arrived this morning around 9:00, and left tonight around 6:00, and everything is wired! In one day!

They completely rewired everything, pulling out the wires put in during the last, infamous "remodel fail" that happened to our kitchen and bathroom, so in one day they redid all the following:

- four overhead lights
- over the sink pendant light
- under cabinet lighting
- 6 backsplash outlets
- garbage disposal
- back door exterior light
- kitchen appliance outlets
- closet light and outlet

Half Bath:
- pendant light over the vanity
- fan/light combination over the toilet
- outlet by the sink

Full Bath:
- 2 vanity wall sconces
- one overhead light
- one fan
- 2 outlets by the sinks

And that's not all . . . . . Office! (Since we moved a wall we had to move electrical and HVAC to this room):
- overhead light
- one new outlets

As you can see, this was a whole lot of wires and plugs, and we're so impressed with how simple and clean the wiring looks. Trust us, it used to look like a mouse maze, and trying to navigate it was enough to make you dizzy. This is a huge upgrade, and will give us much more function in all the rooms.

And if that's not enough, I got the following great news from our contractor in an email this morning: Our schedule is to finish the plumbing, wiring (if any), insulation and miscellaneous framing, windows, etc. on Monday and hang the drywall on Tuesday.  The rest of the week and the following Monday will be devoted to finishing the drywall.  We'll install the hardwood flooring Tuesday or Wednesday (10/4 or 10/5).  Our target date for cabinet installation is 10/10.  

So we're moving right along, and some exciting progress is coming in the next few days! Have a great weekend, and we'll let you know what's new on Monday!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Elusive Wall Valve

Yes, I'm blogging about a wall valve. A few months ago I'd never heard of a wall valve, but in the past few weeks it has become my obsession. You see, wall faucets operate in a strange way - the "faucet" itself is a whole complicated system consisting of a trim kit (the pretty stuff you see) and a wall valve (hiding behind the wall and doing all the work).

I ordered our beautiful wall faucets (i.e. trim kits) for the double vanity upstairs nearly a month ago. Here they are. Aren't they beautiful?

At the time I was slightly annoyed to have to pay the price of the faucet again for this silly valve to make the faucet more than a chrome wall sculpture. Little did I know how much this valve would plague me . . . . .

I originally ordered the valve from the same online vendor as the faucets, but while the faucets promptly arrived the valves kept getting delayed a week at a time. Eventually I cancelled and called around to all the big box home improvement stores, but none of them had it in stock either. I finally called a local plumbers' supply store and learned what the difficulty was - Moen is behind on making these parts, and they're a fairly rare part so Moen actually has caused the backorder, and will not have any valves available for at least a month.

Which is inconvenient because the plumber is here now!

And this is the only valve that works with our faucets. And I have the faucets. And I love them.

So, I thought I was pretty smart and went on ebay and ordered 2 valves from 2 different vendors. I called these vendors every day (bless their hearts) to make sure that the valve was in stock, and to check on the approximate shipping date. Today I received valve #1, but not valve #2, which I was promised would be here today. So I called seller #2 only to find it was out of stock. Which apparently took them 6 days (and a whole lot of phone calls from yours truly) to realize.

So tonight I have called 27 different vendors tonight, desperately searching for this valve. Seriously, 27. I counted.

And 26 of them told me it's out of stock. So, I've been on online chat with #27 for the past 18 minutes, because (1) they don't use phones to keep costs down (we'll see about that) and (2) they have 2 in stock. So I feel like it's 1997 and I'm on AOL Instant Messenger with a plumber, to try to get this valve overnighted to us. Yes, overnighted. And it's all brass. Which is apparently heavy. But I really don't care.

We need the valve. Otherwise we only have trim, which apparently does not work with the whole water thing.

So, I'm sticking it out here to get this thing ordered and (hopefully) here by Saturday.  The valve madness has delayed us a bit, but at this point I don't feel like I can complain as we've been so pleased with the pace of progress, and with how everything is looking so far. Just this morning I met with the electrician and the drywaller, both of whom will be hard at work within the week, followed by the hardwood floor installer for the kitchen.

We're both so excited to see things start coming in, and so eager to have this house we've been living in for the past two and a half years finally become a home.

So please, cross your fingers that we receive this valve by Saturday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shiny New Stuff

Becca is obsessed with hardware. She's been asking for knobs and pulls for the last two christmases. Today, some of her shiny new toys came in today. Needless to say, she's excited. We have picture of our 1/2 bath faucet, and our kitchen faucet as well. They come in these fancy boxes that look like gun cases.

I'm obsessed with windows. It's been something I've wanted since the day I moved in. We have 27 windows in our house, now we only need to replace 25 (someday). Two Pella windows showed up on my doorstep and I can't wait to see them go into our new rooms. They are wood on the inside, and metal clad on the outside. We picked black for the exterior color, for a little pop and style points. Our exterior window trim is white, so they will contrast nicely.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Surprise! Look what magically arrived at our house today. When I left this morning, our upstairs bathroom was a big hole with no walls, no ceiling, and a 4x5 foot hole in the floor, through which you could see straight to the kitchen subfloor. Fast forward 10 hours, we have a bathtub installed!

I've already sat in it and drank a glass of wine and let me tell you, it's a great place to hang out.

And that's not all. Yesterday and today, the plumber and the "wrecking crew" (as I've come to call them - the two demo guys you should most definitely NOT underestimate, trust me) have made some mad progress throughout the whole house.

In our upstairs bathroom, walls are framed in and pocket door kit is installed. Subfloor is down, and let me tell you it is solid, level and as beautiful as subfloor can possibly be. A crazy huge original cast iron stack that extended the full four floors of the house (basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor and attic) and was supported only by 2 leaning and totally not secured 2x4's (YIKES!) has been removed and replaced, and the new toilet is roughed in.

On the first floor, the old closet is knocked out, and new plumbing is routed to and from the old kitchen sink as well as the newly added half bath. Half bath and closet walls are totally framed in, with pocket door kits installed.

And, Chris' personal favorite thing (and my second, after the bathtub) . . . . . . 2 beautiful, new, energy efficient Pella windows are sitting in boxes in our living room, just begging to be installed in the kitchen and full bathroom. C has been laughing at by bathtub obsession all night (granted, I sat in it, fully clothed, for a good 30 minutes whiled I called numerous family members and drank a glass of wine) but I just smile imagining the ridiculous behavior that will occur when he comes home to find new windows installed. It will be crazy. Complete mayhem, I promise you.

Anyway, long and short is, progress continues and it rocks. Hopefully another update tomorrow.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Appliance Fairy

Like I wrote yesterday we're getting deliveries like crazy at our house, and today was no exception. The UPS guy hasn't even come yet (he seems to save the best for last, so we'll probably see him around 6:00 tonight) but we just received a very exciting kitchen delivery -  dishwasher, range and microwave!

You may be asking yourself where we think these appliances can possibly be installed, seeing as how we have no walls, let alone cabinets! For now they're hanging out in the garage, and I'm spending my time fighting the urge to unwrap them from their nice packaging.

We ordered them about a month ago because Kitchen Aid was running a great rebate, and now we have them on hand so that as soon as it's time to install them, they're on site and ready to go. As you can see from this moment C captured on his phone, I'm pretty happy with this plan.

I have to add, we've spent this rainy morning drooling over PBS cooking shows - not exactly something I'd recommend when your cooking setup consists of a toaster and a crock pot. Only a week in, and we're totally ready to get our cook on!

Here's something to hold us all over until it's time to see the real thing . . . .

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm in Love!

Look what arrived today! We've been getting mad deliveries from all the stuff I've ordered, but this is by far the one I've been most excited about. And it did not leave me disappointed - it's beautiful! All 180 pounds of it. Yikes!

Nino liked it too. Don't worry, he and I talked and he does not plan on making a habit of sitting in the sink once it's installed. 

In other news, the wrecking crew continues to make amazing progress. I'm thrilled to announce that demolition is complete, and the rebuilding stage has begun! They encountered one surprise though, and that is that *someone* (I suspect the same person who plumbed our bathroom drain with hose clamps) notched into about a half dozen of our ceiling joists, significantly weakening them.

That's not all! The notches caused the bathroom floor to sink, so they poured a concrete slab in the bathroom floor to bring it back to almost level (it was definitely still not level, just for the record). So, there's now a big hole in our bathroom floor/kitchen ceiling.

Our contractor assured us this is not a big deal to fix, so before they put up the new walls they need to reinforce a few ceiling joists, and replace some bathroom subfloor. I was very pleased to find the materials already here when I got home today - 2x8's for the joists and plywood for the subfloor . . .

 . . . as well as a big pile of studs! Proof that rebuilding has begun! And these guys aren't just laying around - check out the brand new stud wall already built in our office!

This is the framing for our new half bathroom, as well as the new smaller closet we're having built to replace the closet we knocked out to make the kitchen bigger. 

And see those metal slides in the middle of the photo? That is the first of three pocket door frames to be installed in the house! This one is to enter the half bath from the office. The others will be for entry to the bathroom from the upstairs hallway, and to the closet from the kitchen. All three frames appear to have been delivered today, so I suspect we'll see them in place in the very near future.


The crew working on our house has been really great about keeping original pieces that are reusable, so here you see two original doors as well as quite a bit of original oak trim. We'll reuse these two-panel oak doors for the half bath and closet downstairs, and the trim will be be reused throughout all the downstairs construction. 

So this is where we are - just three days in. We're very impressed with the pace of progress, and love this whole setup where we go to work and come home to find all kinds of surprises! So far all good, so hopefully it stays that way. As far as next steps, we have a plumber coming Monday, as well as our cabinet maker for final measurements, and then the electrician comes Wednesday. How's that for progress?

Now that demolition is finished, I'm ready to clean up the plaster dust that's settled throughout the house. And then I'll probably have some cereal for dinner. Because that's just what you eat at times like this. 

Wrigley was feeling left out after the whole Nino-in-the-sink thing, so here's his shining moment, sitting next to all the lumber piles. He's just one of the studs.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Demo Day 2

It's weird to come home to a different house. Tonight I walked in the kitchen and it felt like a barn. No flooring, no ceiling, just beams, and lots of brown old wood. Things are moving fast. The guys are really doing a great job minimizing dust and the mess.

It's really neat to see the innards of this old house. Picking apart the walls gives us hints of the way rooms used to look. We found that behind our bathroom mirror was a framed recess for a medicine cabinet. The old sash weights in the windows are pretty cool too, they look like big, five pound hotdogs.

Apparently our bathroom was remodeled in the 90's. Somebody turned the shower 90ยบ, and took 75% out of a huge closet in the 3rd bathroom. At one point, it was a walk in closet with a window facing north (and we're taking it back to that floorplan).

We'll keep you posted on the progress. Cabinets and plumber get working on Monday.