We have been terrible about posting for the past month or so, so I'm going to try to get us caught up!
First of all, a baby birds update. Sometime between the mornings of June 21st (Chris' birthday) and June 22nd (my mom's birthday) the baby birds in our porch ferns hatched, so these lucky little guys share a birthday with one of two very cool people I just so happen to know. We're pretty sure there are two birds in there - it's hard to tell because they're all snuggled up together. We're actually not sure what kind of birds they are. The parents are very small with a rust-colored neck, and have grey markings down their bodies. We'll try to sneak a picture of them - let us know if you have any idea what they might be.

Also, remember those tiny seedlings we posted a while back? They seem to really like their garden beds!

We've been eating lots of lettuce . . .

tomatoes . . .

and bruschetta (with fresh basil).

And we have lots more great things coming soon. I have a feeling we'll need some help eating all the zucchini that's about to come in, and our mint is almost mojito-ready!

Finally, we began our much-anticipated fence-building project last weekend, and hope to finish it this weekend. We used metal posts (which are supposed to last forever, so hopefully this means we'll never have to use an auger again!)

We painted the posts and hardware black to match our handrails on the porch, and make them look a bit less industrial. The runners and pickets will be cedar, so the end result should look like a pretty traditional dog-eared fence.

Watch for final fence photos this weekend. I can tell you one guy who's pretty excited about this!