Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Treed in

When Chris and I laid our patio and garden beds, we left a four foot border on the east and south ends to make a hedge row. Over labor day we picked up 18 Taylor Juniper trees from Sooner Plant Farm in Park Hill, Oklahoma. We got home Monday afternoon and began planting.

The backyard without trees. And with a Wrigley.

The digging crew. Thanks to Uncle Tim for helping out!

One down, 17 to go!

The first row finished.

Back row finished.

We love the soft, feathery leaves.

When we began measuring out our 18 trees, we quickly realized that we had underestimated. We were two trees short. On the one hand, I think Chris was pretty happy not to have to try to dig through this rock quite yet:

We just ordered our last two trees, so we'll get those in the ground, add some rocks and mulch and our little junipers will all be ready to root deep and grow. In the meantime, we very much enjoy looking out back and seeing our little starter trees. Although, it's worth noting that if you're planting starter trees, maybe don't put them next to mammoth sunflowers. Can't be good for their egos!

The trees are back there, I promise!

And here's this, just because it's so cute!

1 comment:

  1. The trees look great! I saw a subdivision that had a whole border of them and got the idea of what yours will look like in a year or so. Nice work! Joanne
