Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cutting Board #2 - Mixed Woods

End grain cutting board with mixed hardwoods

 My friend had a pile of milled hardwoods mixed in a bucket last week. I asked if could take some of them home to make another cutting board. I know there is some red oak and maple, but I'm not sure what else is in the mix.

Top view of board

The results are wild and irregular in a honey tone. I also tried staggering this board, instead of a true checkerboard look like last time. Projects like this are good for beginners (like myself) who are trying to get better at using a table and miter saw.

At this point, it is still fun to make the boards. However, the final step (sanding) takes way too long without a planer. I think this will be the last cutting board I make until I have one. If I do get a planer, I am open to taking more orders on boards.

Red oak end-grain border

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