Friday, April 29, 2011

Let There be Light!

  Bottom light fixture lit up. We're obsessed with the bright, warm colors it makes.

There are some things in our house that cause us to ask, "How, in 85 years, has this not been done?" One of those things is our hallway landing. I forgot to take a before picture of this particular project (sometimes you just need to get things moving along) so our old Italia post will have to do.

The landing of our stairs has a huge window, but no light. No sign that there's ever been a light there. So at night, it's dark. I mean, really dark. And, the sloped ceiling casts weird shadows, so you can see every little bump in the plaster along the stairway. Basically, it was creepy and ugly.

This has bothered me since we moved in, along with the fact that the light at the bottom of the steps was totally in the wrong place, and also an ugly light. (Again, no before photo so you'll just have to trust me).

The good news, though, is that it's been fixed! My parents visited for Easter, so my handy dad was kind enough to re-wire the entire outlet (3 lights, 2 switches) and give us light in the stairwell!

Do you see the little fixture peeking around the corner? 

Landing light up close.

And on. Can you tell we're a bit obsessed? 

Moved and upgraded bottom light fixture. We bought and returned 3 different light fixtures trying to find the right one.

 Thanks, Dad!

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