Friday, November 18, 2011

Wet Paint

 Our painter keeps moving along, and I was thrilled yesterday to come home to find some new colors on our walls. Our kitchen and half bathroom walls were painted yesterday, and they bring a lot of new color into this old house!

The kitchen walls are Restoration Hardware Bay Laurel - a soft greeny-gray color. Kitchen wall area is very minimal by the time you account for all the cabinets, backsplash tile, doorways and appliances. We basically have one long wall and the area around the back door and around the basement door. 

We're still adjusting to the color - I thin it's a bit shocking after a month or so of all brown and white in there. Maybe we got a little too used to the "fresh drywall" look. It's nice this morning in the early light though, and I have a feeling it will keep growing on us. 

The half bathroom is Sherwin Williams Red Tomato - kind of a faded brick color. We decided we can have some fun in this room. It's so tiny, and will have a lot of white once we have the wall-mount sink and toilet installed. Eventually we'd like to add dark oak wainscoting to the bottom half of the room as well, but that's down the line. For now we're just digging the red.

I really like how it plays off the dark woodwork, and once the yellow walls are repainted on the office side of the wall (this is the new wall that went in, so it's still the color of texture right now) I think all the warm colors will work together really well. 

So as far as painting goes, here's where we are:

- paint/stain all trim and doors
- paint ceilings off white
- paint kitchen walls
- paint half bathroom walls
- paint full bathroom walls (I've got my fingers crossed that this one happens today)
- repaint 3rd bedroom wall (where they tore out plaster to install the full bathroom pocket door)
- repaint office wall (new wall that made the office smaller and allowed for the half bathroom)
- repaint upstairs hallway outside full bathroom (again, pocket door surrounds)
- install full bathroom pocket door and stain (the wrong door came originally, so we're waiting on the correct one to arrive)

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