Monday, March 12, 2012

Firmly Planted

We are planted!  Well, mostly. Everything is in the ground except the potatoes and beans, which go in in April. Actually I got overly excited and accidentally planted the beans. We're pretty warm so maybe they'll be ok, but if not I'll replant them in April. 

Today was the first work day  post-daylight savings, and it was wonderful to come home to a warm sunny afternoon and have time to get some things done. I had turned all of the soil over during the weekend and even got my markers laid out, so today was all about the seeds.

Above is the garden from the north end, and below is from the south. It may not look like much now but in a few weeks we should see some life. Now, look closely in the strawberry bed. 

Do you see him? Nino really gets sad when I'm outside gardening and Wrigley gets to play, so Chris had the idea to put him in the enclosed strawberry bed. He loved it! He chewed up all the walnut tree twigs for me. Don't worry, I watched him closely to make sure he didn't try to help fertilize, and we won't put him in there once the plants start to blossom. Ok, disclaimer over. Isn't he cute? 

Zooming in on the north end, you can see that the vinca I planted last summer is taking over the ground nicely.

And don't worry about the dead stuff on the trellis. That's clematis, which is just beginning to sprout. It's one of the few perennials that should not be cut back in the winter, because the new growth actually comes from last year's dead stuff. Pretty cool. 

Finally, the other set of seeds. On Saturday I planted tomatoes, grape tomatoes, bell peppers and jalapenos in these starter cups. I have the grow light on a timer in the basement window and mist them daily, so they should be sprouting soon. 

Here's a close-up of day three. Hopefully we'll begin seeing green soon! 

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