Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beet it!

"The natural aroma of the beets drifts into the bedrooms and makes one dream of simpler times . . ."
                                                                                          - Dwight Schrute, The Office

Today is a two-for-one blog kind of day - I guess we're just making up for lost time.

I seem to be in the minority, but I love beets. Like really love them. So, I woke up early today for my first official beet harvest! The beet section in my garden has filled in very thick this year, so I picked all the ones I could see that had bulbed out (probably somewhere between one third and one half of what's planted).

I hate peeling vegetables, so I was excited to read recently a different way to prepare and store beets that requires no peeling. First I cut off the roots and greens, then put them in a baking dish, covered and with some water in the bottom, to basically steam them in the oven.

They cooked for a long time (about an hour and a half) before they were tender, and my husband did indeed wake up to the natural aroma of beets, but when they came out I was able to just rub off the stems and skins without peeling. So easy!

I've got beets for the week in the fridge (looking forward to a great beet and gorgonzola salad tonight) and froze the rest of them for later.

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