Sunday, February 24, 2013

A New Walk-In Cedar Closet

A walk-in closet is a rare gem in an old house. After our bathroom remodel in 2011, we were left with an extra 10 square feet of unused space. Luckily, this extra space was adjacent to our 3rd bedroom closet.

This closet was gross, awkward and old. So, I decided to knock down the back wall to see what was behind it.

After we cleared out the demo work, I insulated, drywalled, and then covered the walls with tongue and groove aromatic cedar.

Having an air nailer made the project fun and fairly painless - without that tool, I would not recommend installing tongue and groove paneling.
Here is the halfway point - paneling up - looking from outside the closet.

The next steps were refinishing the old oak floors and adding the finish cedar trim work around the baseboards and windows. We even added crown moulding, which is probably not necessary, but I'd never done it and wanted to try.

The final step - adding custom shelving to help me get organized. Priorities were hanging clothes on two rods, and shoe storage.

 The doorway to the closet is super narrow, so it was hard to get a full shot of the new space. B made a nice white curtain to give some overdue privacy (the neighbors are thankful).
 We like the look of galvanized piping and flanges, so we indulged a bit and got the heavy, metal hardware.
View from window looking towards door/shoe storage. We gave about 7" of clearance for each row of shoe shelf.
I was very excited to get all my junk back into a closet. Size 13 shoes don't really fit well anywhere, so this solution gives us some much needed storage. Also, it kinda feels like you're shopping when you pick out your shoes for the day, which is fun.

Cedar is a fun wood for a closet. It smells great, is super soft, and easy to handle. I'd say with a budget of $200-500, you can pimp out a boring closet with great success.

For more closet pics, the full gallery can be found here.

Thanks for reading!


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