Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Drywall Begins

Today I was greeted by a large truck during lunch. Two guys brought in the longest strips of drywall I've ever seen. I walked upstairs to see our contractor taking measurements in the bathroom. He said that he's going to speed up bathroom production while the kitchen cabinets are made, so we may have a finished bathroom before a finished kitchen. This is good news for everyone in the house - walking two flights of stairs at 2:00 in the morning is just plain dangerous.

Back to the drywall. What's great about using a contractor is not having to worry about quantities of building materials required to complete the project. You deal with one guy, and he takes care of quantities, and deals with anyone taking care of tasks on the job site. By the end of the week we should have all of the drywall hung, taped and sanded to a smooth finish.

While this finish won't exactly match the rest of the house, we feel like the texture of the new walls will be a great look. 

In other news, we finally received a wall mount sink that will work great in our half bath. The third time was the charm on this one - right depth and right space. Can't wait to see this baby go up - she's going to be cute.

Finally, for work tomorrow I get to build a brick patio for a women's shelter here in Kansas City. A coworker saw our garden on the blog and "volunteered" me to lead this charge. Becca was gracious enough to join me this evening to get all the materials set up for the job site. As you can see, she laid out a beautiful flagstone path that will also be installed tomorrow. 

Can't wait to see walls begin to go up tomorrow. And that's not all. Hardwood floors come in next week. The show must go on!

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