Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Making a Compost Bin

Today we finished building a new compost bin for Becca's garden. She has been talking about composting for years — now she has a box to get started.

It's built to last, made of western red cedar and treated pine. I spent Sunday framing out the form and adding the side pieces from left over fence pickets. Tonight I sweated out the final touch — a hinged lid.

The box is kinda heavy, hopefully this spot works (garden corner)

Our design was inspired from a This Old House tutorial. Generally speaking, TOH has a way of making simple projects overly expensive and complicated, so I basically took dimensions from their plans (25" x 25" x 32.), and scrapped the rest. One other detail I gleaned from their instructions was to affix the pickets from the inside of the frame which hides the screws from sight and makes for a prettier outside.

Adding a hinge to the lid - it was so hot outside, I taped my glasses to my head so they would not slide off my face.

We put leftover 6' and 4' cedar pickets to use in an alternating pattern along the sides. Covering the frame took about 20 pickets total. The overall cost was probably around $40 - $50, with the hinges being the most expensive item.

I don't really understand the ins and outs of composting, but I have a hunch Becca will become a pro.

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