Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Planting Ahead

With phase 1 of our backyard complete (fence) we're anticipating phase 2 (deck) to hopefully happen next summer. To prepare for this, and to add a little more interest to our yard, we've framed off some flowerbeds. The idea is that when you walk in through the side gate, stones set into the ground (coming soon) will wind between the flowerbeds as you walk toward the deck steps at the back corner of the house.

So, we took our side yard (to the left of the house)

and dug out some flowerbeds. We tried to make a nice flowing shape to accommodate a gently winding path. All three beds are mulched, and I'm slowly getting flowers planted.

I'm planting perennials in hopes that they'll come back thick and lush next spring. So far I've planted several types of coneflowers, shasta daisies, tiger lilies, lavender, hibiscus and ornamental grass. Here are some shots of the plant starts - hopefully we'll have some beautiful afters next year!

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