Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holy Wallpaper!

At some point in my lifetime wallpaper became a 4-letter word. And it deserved it! It suffocated us with overwhelming florals. It occasionally was fuzzy, or metallic, or hot pink. Perhaps most offensively, it was the bears-on-bicycles-with-balloons border I spent hours upon hours removing from my walls when my family moved into a new house years ago.

When we think wallpaper, we think one word - REMOVE! And that makes us think of sticky glue, scraped up walls and (worst of all) the possibility of multiple layers.

BUT . . . . I'm seeing wallpaper more and more lately, and despite my greatest efforts not to I'm just loving it. I love the bold repetition. The smooth texture of the paper. The large scale pattern repeated throughout an entire room.

Long story short, I forgive wallpaper for its history of wrongs. I want some wallpaper.

So, imagine my delight when I came across Alluminare - a company that allows you to customize colors on wallpaper patterns! My worlds have collided. My options are no longer limited to patterns available in the gold/burnt orange/red tones I love - I can make ALL wallpaper my colors!

A winner? We love the warm yellows and reds in this very simple damask pattern.

We'll introduce wallpaper to our home with great moderation, by putting it first in the half bathroom we're about to gain with our remodeled kitchen. We want to do wainscoting on the bottom half of the walls, and paper on the top.

In the meantime, this website is really fun to play around with.


  1. That is some high-tech wallpaper...
    I agree, used to hate it and remember some pretty nasty stuff on the walls, but we have friends who just did one wall out of four with a funky bold pattern and it looked GREAT....
    wallpaper reinvented!
    can't wait to see what you guys do...

  2. Agreed! I'm thinking wallpaper has gone through a transformation.
    I've been thinking more about it, too. But, only in small quantities...

  3. hello there, i made your blog linked to my post :)


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