Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carpe Autumn Part 2: Photos

Chris wrote about fall arriving in Kansas City - by far my favorite time of year! Here are the sites around the Jones house.

My pepper plants are going CRAZY - more than 3 feet tall and full of flowers and veggies. I"m loving it!

Our green beans have also come back since the heat broke. I'm living up to my childhood nickname - the Green Bean Queen.

I've pulled seeds from some of our flowers, as well as from one of our neighbors who invited me to make myself welcome. I read about storing them through the winter. Must keep them dry, dark and cool.

Our neighbor is a master gardener, and has been kind enough to let me ravish his deadhead flowers to steal seeds.

The coneflowers, sunflowers and black-eyed susans came from our yard.

I love digging into the center of the sunflowers for the seeds.

I've got them all packaged and labeled.

Chilling in the frigo until next spring.

Coneflowers: our flower of the year. We have white ones, purple ones, pink ones, yellow ones, tall ones short ones . . . . we love them!

Rosemary: our herb of the year. It was slow to start, but has grown like crazy!

Our sparse lawn, covered in grass seed and straw. Cross your fingers!

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